Abby! Abby! Abby! All of Abby’s awesome new world revolves around Abby!
Abby’s future adoptive mom went to see the glorious golden with her parents because they would be “babysitting” her while her mom was at work. They fell in love with her that day, and there was no question as to whether or not they were going to take her home. She was a perfect match!
According to Abby’s adoring mom, Abby is a blessing and has brought so much joy to their entire family. Her 88-year-old grandmother who lives with her parents, LOVES Abby and sings to her daily. When Abby doesn’t come over, her first question is, “Where’s Abby?”
Abby’s mom couldn’t picture not having her in their lives, admitting that she’s not only the best thing that has ever happened to them, but that Abby’s also the best dog she has ever had, and she’s had some amazing dogs. She especially loves when Abby jumps up and gives her her paws and they dance. Abby has changed her mom’s life for the better and she vows that she will never have another breed. She’s now a golden retriever owner for life!
Agile, athletic and active, Abby’s favorite pastimes are swimming in the pool, playing fetch and chasing after geckoes, bunnies and squirrels. She loves all of her toys, particularly her cow and her lamb chop, and loves riding in the car with her head out the window.
As for the silliest thing Abby has ever done? Her mom sheepishly admits that on one of their first days together, she ran some errands, forgetting that there was leftover Chick-fil-A chicken minis on the counter with a cake pop. When she returned, she discovered that Abby had eaten all of it! “My punishment for bringing her to the vet for her shots that day,” she laughs.
Although Abby hasn’t yet been on any trips, she’s brought to every family outing, including BBQ’s. The family jokes that this luckiest and most loved of goldens has three houses: hers, her mom’s parents and her aunts because she has toys and dog beds at every house!