And Jojo makes it a lucky number seven!
When Jojo (formerly Kona) joined her new family, she was joining two adults, three young girls and one dog. Excitement was the watchword of the day when the golden’s long lithe legs crossed the threshold of her new home where she instantly fit in.
Meshing marvelously with the family’s existing dynamics, she not only effortlessly enlivened and enriched her environment, she put a pep in the step of her 14-year-old doggy sister, Layla.
Blessed with a face as sweet as her disposition, Jojo is famous for holding hands! She LOVES to “hold hands” and is always putting her paw gently on her parents. Most content in their company, she also loves taking walks with them every day and spending as much time as possible with her three human sisters in their playroom.
Enamored of toys, especially her Figure 8 dog toy, her favorite activity by far is swimming. She absolutely adores swimming and could swim happily and effortlessly for hours if her parents allowed it. Her mom readily admits that the way Jojo swims is hysterical. They have to make her get out of the pool every ten minutes in order for her to take a break and go potty!
An easygoing passenger in the car, she also enjoys traveling and has been to the family’s home in North Carolina.