Pongo Jaxson’s Success Story

Pongo Jaxson’s Success Story

Pongo had a paws-itive impact on his forever family the moment he claimed them as his own!

His family, however, had been concerned because his original owners had twice changed their minds about keeping him, leading his new family to pick him up at the vet’s office. And yet, nothing could dampen their enthusiasm or excitement about meeting him.

Now his parents’ lives revolve around Pongo’s routine, and, according to his adoring mom, it’s been a welcome change. What they love most about him includes his loyalty to them both, his love for their grandchildren and house guests, and his sense of humor and playfulness.

Pongo’s favorite activity is playing fetch – inside the pool and out of it – after his once-favorite toy, a fish, sprang a leak! Following a close second is going for short drives in the car, where he’s very reserved and well behaved. He also enjoys family gatherings at their house.

Medically, he’s fine, having had his one-year exam and receiving a perfect report. Although he still barks at people walking by the house and delivery people, he’s become acclimated to small dogs during his walks — but not big ones.

His parents find it very comical to watch him push his ball in the pool with his nose, alerting them that he wants them to throw it. And despite his usually good manners, he’s occasionally been caught in the act of counter surfing for bread products!

Proud of the fact that Pongo was trustworthy enough from the start to be left alone in the house for short periods of time, he not only stays longer by himself now, he understands when his parents say they’re going to the store and will be right back.

In short, precious Pongo has been a wonderful addition to their family and a lot of fun.


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