Princess Olana’s Success Story

Princess Olana’s Success Story

Greeted with the “pomp and circumstance” so befitting a princess, this golden Princess literally swept her parents off their feet when they brought her home forever!

In fact, her ecstatic mom eagerly admits to feeling like a kid at Christmas on that long-awaited day.

Their German shepherd, Chaos, who was adopted at the age of three, had always been very fearful, but once Princess entered the family picture, he became a completely different dog. She helped him emerge entirely from his shell, and as a result they love each other very, very much and share an exceptionally sweet and special bond.

Not only is Princess extremely lovable and affectionate towards her family, she loves every person and dog she meets. Highly intelligent, she took several training sessions to improve her leash skills and honed them to paw-fection. But her most appealing — and appreciated — trait is her loyalty. She knows who her parents are and has to be next to them at all times. And her parents wouldn’t want it any other way. She also LOVES sitting on their screened in-front porch. As much as she enjoys being there alone, she prefers having her parents and brother with her as one big happy family.

Princess and Chaos recently accompanied their parents to Disney’s Port Orleans Riverside for three days and were absolute angels. The family had adjoining rooms with their friends and the dogs adored it, running back and forth between them. They were in heaven! But, most endearing of all is the fact that Princess is truly a daddy’s girl. Her mom is awed by the almost human way Princess holds his hand. They’ll sit next to each other, he’ll put out his hand, and she’ll stretch out her paw. They will literally hold hands and she’ll just stare at him. It’s the cutest and funniest thing.


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